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Writer's pictureTricia Ball

The Encouraging life of a Mom-trepenuer

Updated: Mar 31, 2020

What it's like & helpful tips for others on an entrepreneur journey.

Today, just like most days, I make my to do list in order to establish balance in my work & home life... the to do list is set aside for unexpected messes and constant refills of a sippy cup. As I was making my bed and cleaning my room my son decided it was a great time to empty out the woodstove and spread the ashes throughout the recently cleaned floors. I could have cried, I could've got mad, and sometimes I do both. But this time I decided to clean him up take a deep breath and decide where my energy is best spent. As I surprisingly remained calm I found this tiny footprint and thought to myself...I can seriously relate to anyone whose worked from home right now & any entrepreneur who may need a boost of encouragement.

-Dear stay at home moms, I feel you I know the struggle is real. You are not alone.

-Small business owners juggling life in the fast lane, I acknowledge the exhaustion and I commend you for your efforts.

-Mom-trepenuers, don't give up, you are not alone.

The life of a mom-trepenuer is a juggling act with endless possibilities to love, learn & grow. You can choose to set aside your dreams and goals when the baby is born or you can receive it as an opportunity for growth, development & motivational success.

Let's take a moment to set aside scarcity mindsets and any form of limiting beliefs. Now picture what success looks like to you. What do your goals look like when they are achieved? What income do you want to make? Have you asked yourself these questions or have you been too overwhelmed with the sippy cup refills and the tax filing of your business? Even if you've been too caught up in the fast paced life of being a mom or business owner you can change that right now. "Believe it before you see it" that was one of the most profound things I've done in my journey thus far. I give credit to a personal mentor of mine for that one. I strongly believe its all about what you believe...because if you believe you can then your open to receiving Gods blessings or what some may call "receiving from the universe". If we are constantly being our own worst enemies with restricting thoughts how will we ever reach our goals? We could be stuck in waiting our entire lives and not even realize it. How many times have you heard someone say "I put my career on hold for my kids"... or " I waited for them to go to college before I did my own thing. Ok now how many of those actually did pursue their passions after 20 years of waiting? Ladies & gentlemen there is no better time than right now to pursue your passions I guarantee it!!! Tomorrow is not a promise and abundance is a mindset.

Let's talk about CONSISTENCY and its relevance to your success. Consistency is key to building loyalty, trust & the increase of customer satisfaction. I encourage you to look into the research on the importance of consistency with any small business. The beginnings are rough in fact I've heard small business owners say to me they have to " borrow from peter to pay paul". Now let's reflect on your favorite musicians, comedians, successful businessmen. How do you think they got there? I guarantee they had to sacrifice some ideas or avenues to fully & constantly pursue their success. Many of us have great ideas but how many of us put forth the consistency and effort into one big goal vs pursuing several careers at once? I could be off working a side job as a front desk office assistant somewhere and doing my decor business on freetime sure; but that limits my belief of how successful I can be in either. An important question I had to answer was do I want this to be a hobby or do I want it to be a successful business? You can't get full time wages if you only put forth part time effort. BELIEVE in yourself! Take the risk to put forth your efforts in one direction and stay with it. INVEST in yourself. A plant does not grow if you only water it and it never sees the light of day...nor does it thrive on sunshine alone. Dont forget to do both in your business and in your home life. Make sure you are taken care of so that your business and your family can have the support they need to flourish. If you have a small business make sure your not neglecting one avenue just because your better at another. LEARN how to nourish all aspects and be willing to receive advice on marketing, pacing yourself, balance, innovations, etc.

I'm from poverty, I grew up with a lot of scarcity and worry.

Here I sit first class flight to Florida with my two year old. This trip was for my mental health; to rejuvenate and decompress. I never would've guessed that it opened up amazing opportunities for me to expand on my business. I am ready to receive the wonderful things and people that are on their way to me. I am focused on abundance instead of limitations. I am spending my energy wisely. When you ask for clarity and you actively seek will find it. When you look at things as opportunities vs unexpected delays you are then open to seeing blessings that are presented to you. I put forth extensive research and time in moving out of New York; it caught me off guard to think I'd be relocating to Florida. I worried that my business would end...I am human. I expressed how I felt and moved forward. DO NOT STAY STUCK IN YOUR WORRY. Now I can see that this is an expansion in my decor. Picture a Florida collection revolving around beaches and palm trees while still providing my NY collection as well.

Here are a few items I can easily incorporate into my Florida expansion!

I am pacing myself with the unlimited opportunities and praying heavily on the matter. One thing for sure, no matter where I go - the opportunities for business growth are abundant. Let your messes and struggles build you; they happen for you not to you. That's my theory.

What are your goals?

What is holding you back?

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