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The Full Story

How it all Began

Tricia demonstrated extraordinary artistic talent at a young age, notably advancing in art challenges as early as 1st grade. She began writing poetry that was published starting at 11 years old. Throughout her adolescence, she wrote books of poetry that helped her get through trauma, PTSD and hardships. As she studied graphic arts and design in high school, she went on to win several graphic art competitions. Her style changed as she hit one of the most traumatic events of her life...this was the birth of becoming the Picasso of rustic décor.

It all started as a journey to overcome PTSD which she was first diagnosed with at 7 years of age. As she was struggling with new trauma in 2013, Tricia noticed her talent of making rustic décor. She was in desperate need of a safe place to express herself as a victim of domestic violence. Today, she has something wonderful out of something bad and has a healthy relationship with herself and those who she lets close to her. She was given a creative gift; one that allows for her to have a voice, a purpose, a fantastic coping mechanism and to provide financially for her son. Years later, this talent is still her outlet and tool in coping wisely and expressing herself without limitations, thus explaining how every piece is truly unique. She was inspired by the Adirondacks and moved by God to explore this gift in its entirety when her son was born in 2017.  What once was a therapeutic hobby, is now a successful adventure in providing others with functional art statements. During the healing process, she also made the conscious decision to live a sober life. In 2022 she won the Directors Choice Award in the Leaf Art & poetry Contest where she combined poetry of her sober testimony with a rustic picture frame.  She publically thanks God and this creative outlet for the healing that was brought into fruition. Today she has a mission, as seen below, to share her healing journey with as many people as possible in hopes to encourage others to prioritize their healing and explore their own creativity. All décor and furniture is made with authentic creativity; each piece is created out of pure imagination into an art form. Providing others with these pieces of functional art has provided her with a safe place to overcome PTSD and fully express herself. It gave her a voice! No two pieces of décor and furniture are the same with the exception of bulk switch plate orders for one home. "From my creativity to yours." she says. She is known for including intricate details in her work in both symmetrical and asymmetrically balanced designs and clusters. Her work is well known for its incorporation of moss, all things nature, and even hidden messages in some of her work.

award winning art poetry
art poetry piece
directors choice award

2022 Directors Choice Award
LEAF Art & Poetry Contest

My Mission

It is my mission to serve you by creating one of a kind pieces of rustic décor that inspire your own creativity, healing, and/or love of nature. Not only do I create to inspire, but I also provide an extraordinary attention to detail ensuring longevity and functionality of my work. I am passionate about wanting what's best for me as well as others; both in terms of home décor & happiness. In this journey of shining light upon the world, I also volunteer with at risk youth in the foster care system. As a survivor of domestic violence, a recovered alcoholic and a warrior in overcoming PTSD, I also encourage others to rise above toxic people, places, and things using creativity as a tool. I serve as living proof that you can break cycles of abuse and addiction! Now that I have found my voice, and have done a profound amount of healing, I will share my story and shine love upon the world. A world that deeply needs healing and vital skills to grow and overcome trauma. I speak life and uplifting inspiration to people everywhere I go, especially to those who struggle.

There is hope.

You are worthy of a life that is free from the bondage of trauma and addictions.



Jermiah 29:11

1 Peter 4:10

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